Arturo Corona

Arturo Corona

Texas A&M University San Antonio '23
Bachelors of Science in Computer Science

Hello, my name is Arturo Corona, a first generation student and proud graduate of TAMU-SA, class of 2023. My interest are Android development, iOS development, Web Development, Data Analytics Network engineering and the list continues to grow. I am an Android Engineer at Frost bank where I am engineering solutions and implementing new feutures to our Android Frost Bank app.



  • Android Development
  • CyberSecurity
  • Web Development
  • Android and iOS Development

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I am continuously working to improve my skills and knowledge in the field.

Mobile app develoment

Android in Java, Kotlin and Jetpapck Compose with the use of open source libraries. iOS in Swift.

NoSQl and SQL databases

Firebase, MongoDB, MySQL, MS SQL Server

Networking Skills

Configuring Cisco IOS Switches & Routers, OSI Model, SSH, FTP, SCP, VLan, IPV4

Web development

HTML, CSS, JS. Asp.Net, C#, MudBlazor. Streamlit. Python flask


Programming foundamentals and OOP learned in Java


Web development and data analitics


Some of the projects I have done throughout the years!
Click on the boxes to learn more.
Project 1

NASA Astronomy

Picture of the Day

Andoid Kotlin | Jetpack Compose | MVVM | Retrofit | NASA API

Project 2

New York Times

Best Selling Books

Andoid Java | MVC | NYT API | AsyncHTTP

Project 3



Andoid Kotlin | MVC | Back4App Database | Glide

Project 3



Andoid Kotlin | MVC | Twitter API | Glide | AsyncHTTP

Project 3



Andoid Kotlin | MVC | Flixster API | Glide | AsyncHTTP

Project 4



Asp.Net | MudBlazor | C# | MSSQLServer

Project 5

Job Application

Resume Analyzer

MSAzure | AzureSQLServer | OpenAi API | Python

Project 6

Senior Project

Data Analyzer Website

Python | Streamlit

Project 6

Asteroid Drilling Stats

Hack UTD 2022

HTML | CSS | JS | Python | GCP

Project 6


Rowdy Hacks 2023

React | Google Firebase | GCP | Python | Typescript

Project 6





Learn more about my professional work history!
Frost Bank
Android Software Engineer
Feb 2024 - Present

Work hard.

Marathon Petroleum Coorporation
Network Operations Engineer
Aug - Dec 2023

Within my Networks Operations role at Marathon Petroleum my main tasks as a developer was to automate their network processes, more specifically, the automation of upgrading different vendors network devices within Marathons infrastructure. I constructed and engineered the code-base for a software tool to do just that using YAML as the coding language, and Ansible Playbooks as the technology. The software tool I constructed saves network engineers 40% of work time when upgrading Marathons Network Devices.

View my final presentation to Marathon Leadership here.
Marathon Petroleum Coorporation
SAP Software Engineer
May - Aug 2023

As an SAP Software Enigneer I developed applications using SAP ABAP, S/4HANA, Core Data Sheets and SAP Fiori development tools. I was able to enhance application development efficinetly by researching and Integrating SAP BUILD into Marathons daily toolkit. SAP Buils significantly reduces crafting of applications from 2-3 weeks just under 1 week.

View my final presentation to Marathon Leadership here.
Teaching Assistant for Mobile App iOS Development
Aug - Dec 2022

As a TA, I Managed and supported 3-5 student groups, referred to as "pods," each consisting of approximately 5 students. I also engaged with students in discussions on application life-cycle, Rest API calls, and MVC app architecture. I provided assistance to students in developing iOS applications using Xcode alongside Storyboard and Swift.

Quality Assurance Engineer
June - Aug 2022

As a Quality Assurance Engineer I worked in a Agile team with the use of Jira software. In order to ensure the quality of our own software and be able to run tests I assisted other engineers while using tools such as Postman, 6Connex control center, Cypress and Playwright. I Leveraged Playwright to create software that significantly reduced the time spent finalizing tests at the end of a two-week sprint by more than 80%, with findings documented on Confluence.


Learn more about my leadership experiences!
President: Association for Computing Machinery
Texas A&M University San Antonio
Jan - Dec 2023

As president, and an E-Board of 6 officers, the goal set for the 2023 school year was to create events, establish reocurring large events and recruit as many new members. My officers and I successfully led 8 workshops geared towards begginers and some for the more advanced proggramers. We successfully implememnted an event titled "Tech Night" which allowed a night of networking, panel speakers and a career fair. Finally, we were able to host TAMU-SA first ever hackathon where we had 100+ students in attendance. We gained 80+ members, and 15+ students were interested in being officers.

President's Leadership Class Scholar
Texas A&M University San Antonio

As a scholar of PLC, we had to meet certain expectations, such as, volunteering, bi-weekly meetings, coordinate an all-cohort service project, and much more. As a scholar we are expected to always be on our best behaviour, since we also meet with the president of the University and they know us on a personal level.

Spurs Little League Coach
Methodist Healthcare Ministries
Jan - Mar 2020

As a spurs little league coach I attended coach meetings with community leaders on how to better coach players and create a welcoming environment for our little league players. I coached 8 players and it was mostly for fun but I always ensured they were excited to practice and had a great time during our actual games.

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